Biyernes, Disyembre 27, 2013

2013 WRAP-UP

Okay, since it's December and 2013 is almost over, so, you know the drill.



Wait. Isn't Patrick supposed to be fat? Anyways, to all fans:


*multiple ovaries exploding*

*nerding intensifies*


Pic says it all.


Nerds all over the world simultaneously scream like 12 years olds watching either 1D or Bieber live.


It's an eight year old's dream to see this.




Cebu recovered quickly, but Bohol still needs help.


Miley, hide your tongue! The Smiths are disgusted!

Also Drake was disgusted, Miley!


Moffat, why do you make us cry?!?


-Paul Walker

-Cory Montieth

-Bella Flores

-The 11th Doctor

-Nelson Mandela




Still no cursing to be found in the special.

FUN FACT WHICH CONTAINS SPOILERS: His first word was "Kidneys!"


No honorable mentions for this part.


What A Catch, Donnie and Thnks Fr Th Mmrs:


Martes, Oktubre 29, 2013


So, come on, there are terrible casting choices that was actually passed on like: George Clooney being Batman, Ben Affleck being Daredevil(and now, being Batman), and more shit.

So, today in this blog, we will show more terrible(if not weird) casting choices that we're glad it didn't happen.

1. Robin Williams as Rorschach.

Before Jackie Earle Haley was casted as Walter, there was Paddy Considine, and before him, there was Robin Williams. He was casted during the supposedly 1991 adaptation of the comic which, never happened until Zack "ruins what he touches" Snyder came and ruined Watchmen(if not made it darker). Luckily, it never happened because the technology wasn't that advanced yet.

I mean, come on. I know he could do decent portrayals of characters, but Rorschach?!? Nah, you bet he can't be the definitive Rorschach Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons thought of during the creation of Watchmen. He doesn't even have the Rorschach look, which is like a rotten beggar from the streets, but is not actually a beggar.

2. Nicolas Cage as Superman.

Oh, look, it's the guy who ruins all the superhero characters he portrays. And he also wants to steal the Declaration of Independence.

He was cast by Tim "Latex Fetish" Burton in his latex-induced Superman movie "Superman Lives" which was cancelled by the last minute.

How last minute, you say? It was so last minute that posters were actually sent to theaters to actually preview the movie right before its cancellation.

Luckily, it didn't happen because, what do you think will be the reaction of those kids who liked Superman the way he is seeing Superman having a mullet? Shocked, yes. Surprised, yes. But there will be some kids who will ask: "Mommy, is this the right movie?"

Yes, that kind of question.

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Batman
Yes, he was cast as batman before he was cast as the very pun-ny Mr. Freeze.

Actually, the guy wasn't actually cast, he was one of those possible casting choices to play Batman in the 1989 movie together with Michael J. Fox.

Yes, Marty McFly as Batman, imagine the chaos. Luckily, it didn't happen as well because BTTF 2 was released the same year as Batman.

But honestly, Schwartze-nigger should have never been cast as both of that, it was just a disaster.

Don't worry, he never cared anyways, as long as he has the money, right Arnie?

So, this is the weirdest casting choices that we have found so far, we'll add more soon.

Sabado, Setyembre 28, 2013


And finally, Mark Millar, creator of Kick-Ass, Wanted, American Jesus, Superior, Nemesis, Superman: Red Son, Ultimate X-Men(sort of), Ultimate Fantastic Four(kinda), Civil War(do I need to say it all?), DOES IT AGAIN!

Okay, I know you like Wolverine, right?

So, if you like Wolverine using the Iron Man armor, Cap's shield, and teamingup with a very old Hawkeye(who has A LOT of ex-wives).

Then this story is for you.

The story starts with Logan living a normal life with a wife and two kids, while trying to forget his old self, as Wolverine. And then, the Hulks show up to ask their rent. And so on and so fort.

And then a blind Hawkeye shows up after Logan was beat up by the Hulks.

Okay, I don't want to spoil the entire comic.

But lemme tell you this:


That's all, thank you.

Linggo, Agosto 25, 2013


So, I went to Cebu Comc Convention and met these three guys that will be on the new segment called "Quickie Interview".

So, go to Google translate and get ready, because the interview is now up!

First up, we have Dr. Carlo Jose San Juan, creator of the Callous comic strips that are published on Manila Bulletin.

1. Paano ka nagsimula sa pagkokomiks?
- "Nung high school ako, sumali ako sa school newspaper namin. Tapos nung college, sumali din ako. Tapos tuloy tuloy na. Taka rin sa medschool"

2. First time mo bang sumali dito sa C3?
- "Oo, first time ko."

3. How was the experience?
- "Ok naman. Ine-enjoy ko naman yung mga tao dito, open sila sa comic ko, very good time."

4. Attack on Titan yang sa phone mo?
- "Oo, pinapa-drawing lang, comission."

5. Word for aspiring comic creators like me.
- "Just go for it. These days, marami nang ways to show your comic online. And the readers will tell you what's right and what's wrong."

Next up, (let's just settle with fb names)JP P Palabon, creator of Puso Negro.

1. Paano ka nagsimula sa pagkokomiks?
- "Nung college kami, may event tapos dun kami nag-tinda ng komiks tapos tuloy-tuloy na."

2. First time mo bang sumali sa C3?
- "Second time. Nandito rin kami last year."

3. Word for aspring comic creators like me.
- "Produce lang ng produce. Gawa lang lagi ng bago."

Last but not the least, Mr. Jon Zamar, creator of Codename: Bathala and organizer of Komikon.

1. Paano ka nagsimula sa pagkokomiks?
- "Sumali ako sa contest ng Culture Crash before pa yon naging Point Zero. At saka agkokomiks na rin ako nung High School."

2. Organizer ka ng Komikon, diba?
- "Oo."

3. Gaano kahirap ang pag-oorganize nun?
- "Mahirap in a sense na you need to raise funds."

4. Gaano kasaya na nakikita mo na yung finished product?
"Katulad yung na paggawa ng komiks, ang pinaka-masaya na stage nun ay ang finished product."

5.Word for aspiring comic creators like me.
- "Don't stop learning at saka don't stop creating. And also, learn your favorite artist's weakness, not just his strength, para ma-avoid mo yun."

And that ends this episode of "QUICKIE INTERVIEWS".

See you next time.

Biyernes, Hunyo 14, 2013


Seriously. Why?

Might be because of DBZ(which is acceptable), or Samurai X.

But why did I blog this?


Before, cosplay was: Costume Role Play

But now, it is: Costuming Anime Characters.

And what's more? People say COSPLAY IS ANIME.

How about comics? You'd probably say, "You mean manga?". All I'd say is...


I don't mean it's manga, there are differences with it. And cosplay is not anime. Fuck you.

I know it's famous for it's storytelling, and that is what they think Anime separates from Cartoons. How about Spawn? The cartoon, not the movie!

What? You think it's an anime, too? Spawn is A CARTOON. Yet, it has a very nice storyline.

Don't believe me? HERE!

Told you.


Why do you people say that anime is not cartoons?

You know what? Let's compare them.

  1. They have great, "relatable" stories.
  2. They have very nice and cool characters in every fucking one.
  3. Their fanbase are dumb, sometimes intelligent, people who think anime is the most superior form of entertainment. 

  1. They have TRUE RELATABLE STORIES. I mean, could you relate to Goku's Super Saiyan transformation? No.
  2. They also have nice and cool, mostly anthropomorhic, characters.
  3. Their fanbase are mostly from 90's kids who, just like the other 90's kids, want to bring their childhood back. But hey, they're not dumb.
So, Anime is, whether you like it or not, CARTOONS.

Sabado, Mayo 18, 2013

Cassandra: Warrior Angel Review.

Last week was the start of a brand-new series in TV5, Cassandra: Warrior Angel. Well, as you know, it replaced too-near-to-become-a-dramatic-teleserye Kidlat.

The first week was good until the second week came up.

Same plot. A girl has a third eye, who finds a person, while battling Philippine mythical creatures. Just, it was added with angels and demons and stuff.

And it's not just a coincidence.

Well, the series' lead star was Eula Caballero. And, she starred in the short-lived horror series by TV5, Third Eye.

So, let's list down the similarities.

Third Eye: A girl finds out she has a third eye. She is finding someone. She thinks that the creatures she fights are clues which will lead her to him.

Cassandra: Warrior Angel: A war happens between angels and demons beginning from the start of time. A demon and a mortal angel fell in love in the 90's. They had 3 children, one who has a third eye. All 3 of them were separated and wiped out of their memories. And then.. the same shit as of Third Eye.

Fact is, Warrior Angel is Third Eye with angels and demons. And, Warrior Angel's working title was Cassandra: The Third Eye Chronicles. So, The Third eye remake was intentional.

That's it, and I'm sick of it.

Martes, Mayo 14, 2013

TIKTIK - The Aswang Chronicles Review!

Last night, I just saw this movie called "Tiktik - The Aswang Chronicles". And y'know what? PHL movies has gotten better, into terms of the horror/aswang genre. But they can't get even more better if we just focus into these repetitive shit of Vice Ganda, and some other comedians with a litte plot and more of those somewhat-in-different-ways-of-delivery corny jokes after every five seconds to one minute.

Anywhore, the movie was just great. Especially when Nestor who is played by Joey Marquez shouts in front of the aswang while he is in anger of his wife's death "GUSTO MONG MAGKAINAN, MAGKAINAN TAYO!!!!!". All that while eating the liver of the aswang. Yes, that's kinda badass.

And what's also badass, is the death scene of Bart(coincidentially, that's the nickname of my brother) played by Ramon Bautista. I mean, what happens when you give a dying person four molotovs, and an almost-empty M16 to beat a horde of tiktik? He uses the gun to kill some of them, two for the other, and then, uses to last two molotovs to kill himself and the aswangs. He's about to die anyways.

Near the end of the movie, you realize that buntot ng pagi can serve as a very cool whiplash.

For the first time in my life, this is the only horror movie for me that, while watching it, looks like one of those foreign zombie movies. And I almost didn't feel the horror in the movie.

Anyways, kudos to Erik Matti, Reality Entertainment, Agostodos Pictures, Postmanila, Mothership and GMA Films for making this on big masterpiece. And also kudos to the people who made the official comic book version of the movie. Especially the Digital Art Chefs, Budjette Tan and the rest of the people who did it.


(And enjoy comics as well)

Linggo, Mayo 12, 2013

I'm busy, GO AWAY!!!

Nah, just kidding, READ THIS BLOG YOU FOOLS!!!

I haven't updated this blog since I have been more frequent to Komiks groups in fb.

And I'm telling you, I have a small comic book company called(No, not Noir-Style) Fiction For All Comics, you can go to it's fb page here.

Anyways, back to the comics, I'm planning to set-up a booth in C3 2013(Cebu Comicon 2013). Aaaaaand that's what makes me busy(for the moment). Just because of PAYMENTS. HOT DAMN PAYMENTS.

And deadlines, the deadlines are just too near. Why did I sign up for this stuff?

Anyways, we could be prepared next year, I guess.




Since FHL author Paolo Fabregas stated a strict rule of a "no-spoiler" thing to the people who had Book 2 to people who doesn't have it(And I guess it would be gone after 2-3 years). This review of FHL Book 2 is a no-spoiler(according to plot) review. You're welcome.

The only things I could say is that "The Sword" is, was, and will always be a blast when you read and re-read it. And is much more of a blast if you're just done with "Sticks and Stones". Because you'll know what happened and shit.

And PFab's art in "The Sword" was better than "Sticks and Stones". Just sayin'. Well I guess that's why he was part of the "C.B. Cebulski short-listed thing or whatever is was" thing.

And, man, you'll love the references(I'll never tell the references even if you persuade me with your beauty or epicness or badass-ery). There are a lot of 'em so to speak.

In short, everything in "The Sword" is epic. It's just like the best part of the movie(I don't like to say that it's the climax part). The ending will leave you shocked like this:


Yes, like that. So if you want to have a copy, you better be. It's available in Fully Booked, National Bookstore and more book-selling-shit in the country.

So, if you think there is a spoiler in this review, feel free to comment(It's just that I have the urge to post a spoiler but I cant). And......


Linggo, Mayo 5, 2013


Yeah, answer me... WHY?????

I just read a column here that says a kid attempted to rape and kill his mom for taking away Call of Duty to him. And them bitch-ass "lawful dicks" blame the game(Call of Duty) of why he did the act.

Wait, why blame the game when you can blame his parents for giving him a gun on his 11th birthday. And how about we blame his insanity issue, we can't blame that, it's the parenting we can blame of.

I play Grand Theft Auto for a long time, and did I attempt to rape and kill my mom? No. Only insane people do it.

If people blame the game for our deeds, then if we were addicted to Tetris, we are up for cleanliness. If we were addicted to Pacman, we'd be on a dark room, running and eating coins in a repetitive tune. And if we were addicted to Candy Crush, well, we'd probably have diabetes(from eating too much candies).

Fact is, games don't make up the character of a killer. I mean if they did, what would killers in the 1800's play?

"Guns and games don't kill people, people with insanity issues kill people"
-Thomas Adobo


So, I just watched Iron Man 3 in the theaters. IT WAS AMAZING. Just when everything in the trailer is never what it is. The Mandarin is a lazy-ass actor. Aldrich is the real villain. Tony Stark's armor is a bit fail-y. Why? It failed when Stark first put it on. It just dis-assembles when something hits it(what a sensitive armor!). When it gets hit by a truck, it dis-assembles. When it gets tripped over, it dis-assembles. What kind of armor izzat?


Aldrich Killian vs. Tony Stark

Why? You fight a guy who regenerates, and brights up when it regenerates versus a guy who changes his armor when the armor he uses get trumped. When you imagine it, it's cool. Wait, it doesn't end there, There's still--

Iron Men vs. Extremis-injected People 

What? It's kinda cool. Imagine, people fight against A LOT OF ROBOTS(controlled by J.A.R.V.I.S.), izzat cool? It's not just normal people: IT'S GLOWING-WHEN-THEY-REGENERATE-EXTREMIS-INJECTED PEOPLE!

Pepper Potts vs. Aldrich Killian

Yes, Pepper has also injected the Extremis in her, c/o Aldrich Killian of AIM. What do Pepper use in beating him up? AN IRON MAN ARM. Yes, that's just what she uses and needs. Oh, and a pole. And in the end, she's still concerned about her harming Stark, isn't it love? *pukes his lunch in the bathroom* It's great.


Yes. Pepper Potts did suit up. Just as a mistake, Stark was supposed to wear his armor(which is beside Pepper at the time), but then the armor was sent to Pepper instead. So the bit in the trailer #2 where Iron Man saves a woman. That was Pepper in the armor. I'm serious. That's her.

No. There wasn't a Marvel superhero appearance in the plot of the film(the part that you will watch), but in the part that you won't watch *cough*the credits*cough* Bruce Banner has somehow appeared, being treated as the false doctor. Stark treats him as a Psychological doctor and told him the plot of the whole Iron Man 3 movie. Banner, if you have just listened carefully, you'll know the whole movie.

No. Tony Stark didn't inject himself the extremis virus. However, he did inject something that could make himself control the armor, all the armors, to be exact.


How Stark beats Killian up, for the moment, is by LETTING HIM WEAR THE ARMOR AND THEN LETTING HIM JARVIS SELF-DESTROY IT. He's that badass. He sacrificed his most-useless-fail-y armor into blowing it up.

Happy Hogan is now officially part of security at Stark industries. He shows off his badge like hey, "badge". He actually did it. And helped the rise of employee complaints by 300%. Nice working, Happy. You might consider it a compliment, anyways.

The different hologram of Killian, when you see it, you feel high in a weird way.


Well, that's it. If you don't know what was I talking about, please do watch Iron Man 3. Thank you.


My TMNT Review.

It's been a long time since the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was made. So, making a brand new movie for the franchise could introduce the franchise to younger audiences.

Making the movie all-CGI was a very good idea, too. For they don't need people to put on costumes of the Ninja Turtles.

This movie was a bit different to the others where:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Focused on the characters, and more based to the first issue of the TMNT comic book.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze: Has gone a bit kid-friendly. And it was focused on the turtles' origin material.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Has gone fully kid-friendly and had turned into a shitty live-action cartoon-stuff.

TMNT(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV): Quickly turned into the Eastman-Laird comic it was born to be. It was like how a TMNT graphic novel would be.

Even though the movie got mixed reviews, it was a blast. showing that a lot has happened after TMNT III. Leo left to teach himself to be a better leader. Mikey has turned into a mascot for parties. Donnie has turned into a tech support guy. And Raph has turned into(what the comics was) The Night Watcher. And April is not a reporter anymore.

Just, that's it.

Biyernes, Abril 19, 2013

Watching Superman--and thinking about something.

Well, I'm watching Superman and realizing the Christopher Reeve is really fit for the role. You know, no one could be that clumsy and that mighty as Reeve's portrayal of Clark Kent and Superman. When you see Reeve as Kent, you just can't help but laugh at how hilarious his portrayal to Kent is. He's clumsy, he's nerdy, he's perfect.

Brandon Routh got the level of how Reeve acted as Kent and superman but not as well as Reeve himself. I guess Henry Cavill(?) can't go to the same level as Reeve got in his portrayal. Christopher's portrayal of the man of steel is that mighty enough, more relying on statistics and facts like on how Brandon Routh say when he saves Lois Lane in Superman Returns from a plane, "Statistics say that planes are still the safest mode of transportation yet.".

Reeve might or might not be like that, but remember, I did this blog while watching Superman, so....


This blog is a tribute to:

Christopher Reeve
(9-25-52 -- 10-10-04)

Huwebes, Abril 18, 2013


HURRY UP! My Wife Is Pregnant Comics by Mark Rosario is now available in Comic Odyssey!!!!


Summer Komikon: The summary(Fixed).

Even though I really didn't go to Summer Komikon. Here is what happened to the "kon" according to other people, blogs, fanpages, etc.

- Lots of new books. After years of re-selling his creations, Gerry Alanguilan has published another book that is, the "Wasted" reprint, the third reprint. Paolo Fabregas published the sequel to his anticipated graphic novel, The Filipino Heroes League with FHL Book Two: The Sword. Man, that graphic novel was so epic, that famous people got a hold of it, like, I don't know, just JOHN LLOYD CRUZ(pictured below)

Yes, that is John Lloyd Cruz right there. And well, he is not just the only famous person who got a hold of the graphic novel, even LEINIL FRANCIS YU(that guy on Marvel comics if you don't know)!

Let's not go further more on the FHL and further more on Summer Komikon.

More komiks! Including this "autobiographical comic book" from Mark Rosario entitled My Wife Is Pregnant. I even did an interview with him here.

What more, what more, oh yeah! There was an unexpected proposal! That, everyone at the kon knew.

Well, Singaporean artists Otto Fong and C.T. Lim talked about "Successful Comic Self-Publishing in Singapore" and "Current Trends in Southeast Asian Comics".

Three guests, THREE GUESTS that are related to the theme of the kon "Never too young to love komiks"(or something similar to what I stated). And what more? two of them are from K-Zone, Jomike Tejido and Elbert Or. Jomike released the 2nd volume of Foldabots, while Elbert brought back Bakemono high from the (un)dead. While the other guest Robert Magnuson has sold his comics book(?) Kuting Magiting.

And people say there were free slurpies c/o 7-11.

I never had found more happenings in the kon since I myself never even went to the kon.

So 'til then...


Miyerkules, Abril 17, 2013

THIS is an interview to a person you might(or might not) know--

--but YOU MIGHT KNOW HIM if you went to Summer Komikon last April 13 held at Bayanihan Center, Pasig City. Of course, you know. He is Mark Rosario, creator of his self-published comic book "My Wife Is Pregnant". Which is "an autobiographical comic book" as what is said in both covers, the Spider-Man variant, and the regular variant covers:

The variant cover by Gilbert Monsanto(left) and the regular cover by Mark Rosario and is inked by his wife, Mary Joy Rosario and colors by Jay Acosta(right).

Luckily, I had a chance to interview him through e-mail. Mark was awesomely epic to have that chance. By the way, If you want more of the inter view and less of the description of the "autobiographical comic book", ladies and gentle-aliens, here is the interview:

1. What inspired you in making "My Wife Is Pregnant"?

"My Wife Is Pregnant" is inspired by real-life experiences. Discovering my wife's pregnancy was a life-changing moment for me and my wife. We were married for only about 3 months at the time. We went through a lot of weird, funny, and memorable experiences together - which we loved sharing with friends over and over. I eventually thought about creating comic strips based on these moments and then I shared them online. I started with a few strips until it snowballed into a 28-page story
2. Who are your inspirations in creating Markus and Ligaya?

My full name is Mark Andrew but most of my close friends call me Markus. Ligaya, on the other hand, was a play on my wife's name - which is Mary Joy. We used these nicknames since they sounded more "kwela" than our real names haha!

3. Since I am an aspiring comic book creator, what kind of printer did you use in printing "My Wife Is Pregnant"?

I'm grateful for my mentor and childhood hero, Gilbert Monsanto, who was kind enough to take my files to YZA Katipunan Branch. The print quality was impressive and the rates are reasonable. I highly recommend you take your comic there, dude!

4. Last but not the least, what are your words to those aspiring comic book creators, writers, and artists like me?
I'm not sure if I'm the best person to answer that since I'm a newbie myself. But I guess if there's one thing I learned about the whole thing, it is to stop aspiring and start creating. Gawa lang ng gawa, like most of my artist friends would tell me. :)

If you want a copy, unfortunately, the "autobiographical comic book" is not available in comic book stores forever unlike other comic books/graphic novels/reprints introduced in Summer Komikon, but you can inquire Mark Rosario in his fanpage about the self published comic book here: My Wife Is Pregnant Comics. He might announce on the page someday if he will have another reprint of the comic book.

But well, for now, ENJOY COMICS!!!!!

An interview with Mr. PFab.

Here, is an old relic that I did way back when I had a wix account. An interview with The Filipino Heroes League creator, Paolo Fabregas. The guy whom I thought(or, really) introduced me to the Filipino Komiks industry again. The first guy who introduced me to the industry was Carlo J. Caparas with his short-lived komiks reprint... stuff. By the way, here is the interview.

1.Why the title of your book is "The Filipino Heroes League"?

I wanted the title of the book to catchy and memorable - something unmistakeable patriotic.

2.Who is your fave. character among your heroes? Why?

I really can't choose. There's something I like about all of them.

3.What inspired you to make the heroes Flashlight, Invisiboy, and Kidlat Kid?

I wanted my core heroes to be fun guys with personality quirks, just like my friends. They're kind of a mix of the different people I've known in my life.

4.Why a novel, not a comic book?

I'm not sure I understand this question? It's a graphic novel - unless you mean why a book and not a series? It isn't a series because a series is just hard to sustain. Also, I wanted it to be kind of like Lord of the Rings - a long story with a small beginning and a big end.

5.If you were a part of the FHL, who would you be and why?

I'd probably be their janitor - just so I could hang out with the guys.