Linggo, Mayo 12, 2013


Since FHL author Paolo Fabregas stated a strict rule of a "no-spoiler" thing to the people who had Book 2 to people who doesn't have it(And I guess it would be gone after 2-3 years). This review of FHL Book 2 is a no-spoiler(according to plot) review. You're welcome.

The only things I could say is that "The Sword" is, was, and will always be a blast when you read and re-read it. And is much more of a blast if you're just done with "Sticks and Stones". Because you'll know what happened and shit.

And PFab's art in "The Sword" was better than "Sticks and Stones". Just sayin'. Well I guess that's why he was part of the "C.B. Cebulski short-listed thing or whatever is was" thing.

And, man, you'll love the references(I'll never tell the references even if you persuade me with your beauty or epicness or badass-ery). There are a lot of 'em so to speak.

In short, everything in "The Sword" is epic. It's just like the best part of the movie(I don't like to say that it's the climax part). The ending will leave you shocked like this:


Yes, like that. So if you want to have a copy, you better be. It's available in Fully Booked, National Bookstore and more book-selling-shit in the country.

So, if you think there is a spoiler in this review, feel free to comment(It's just that I have the urge to post a spoiler but I cant). And......


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