Biyernes, Abril 19, 2013

Watching Superman--and thinking about something.

Well, I'm watching Superman and realizing the Christopher Reeve is really fit for the role. You know, no one could be that clumsy and that mighty as Reeve's portrayal of Clark Kent and Superman. When you see Reeve as Kent, you just can't help but laugh at how hilarious his portrayal to Kent is. He's clumsy, he's nerdy, he's perfect.

Brandon Routh got the level of how Reeve acted as Kent and superman but not as well as Reeve himself. I guess Henry Cavill(?) can't go to the same level as Reeve got in his portrayal. Christopher's portrayal of the man of steel is that mighty enough, more relying on statistics and facts like on how Brandon Routh say when he saves Lois Lane in Superman Returns from a plane, "Statistics say that planes are still the safest mode of transportation yet.".

Reeve might or might not be like that, but remember, I did this blog while watching Superman, so....


This blog is a tribute to:

Christopher Reeve
(9-25-52 -- 10-10-04)

Huwebes, Abril 18, 2013


HURRY UP! My Wife Is Pregnant Comics by Mark Rosario is now available in Comic Odyssey!!!!


Summer Komikon: The summary(Fixed).

Even though I really didn't go to Summer Komikon. Here is what happened to the "kon" according to other people, blogs, fanpages, etc.

- Lots of new books. After years of re-selling his creations, Gerry Alanguilan has published another book that is, the "Wasted" reprint, the third reprint. Paolo Fabregas published the sequel to his anticipated graphic novel, The Filipino Heroes League with FHL Book Two: The Sword. Man, that graphic novel was so epic, that famous people got a hold of it, like, I don't know, just JOHN LLOYD CRUZ(pictured below)

Yes, that is John Lloyd Cruz right there. And well, he is not just the only famous person who got a hold of the graphic novel, even LEINIL FRANCIS YU(that guy on Marvel comics if you don't know)!

Let's not go further more on the FHL and further more on Summer Komikon.

More komiks! Including this "autobiographical comic book" from Mark Rosario entitled My Wife Is Pregnant. I even did an interview with him here.

What more, what more, oh yeah! There was an unexpected proposal! That, everyone at the kon knew.

Well, Singaporean artists Otto Fong and C.T. Lim talked about "Successful Comic Self-Publishing in Singapore" and "Current Trends in Southeast Asian Comics".

Three guests, THREE GUESTS that are related to the theme of the kon "Never too young to love komiks"(or something similar to what I stated). And what more? two of them are from K-Zone, Jomike Tejido and Elbert Or. Jomike released the 2nd volume of Foldabots, while Elbert brought back Bakemono high from the (un)dead. While the other guest Robert Magnuson has sold his comics book(?) Kuting Magiting.

And people say there were free slurpies c/o 7-11.

I never had found more happenings in the kon since I myself never even went to the kon.

So 'til then...


Miyerkules, Abril 17, 2013

THIS is an interview to a person you might(or might not) know--

--but YOU MIGHT KNOW HIM if you went to Summer Komikon last April 13 held at Bayanihan Center, Pasig City. Of course, you know. He is Mark Rosario, creator of his self-published comic book "My Wife Is Pregnant". Which is "an autobiographical comic book" as what is said in both covers, the Spider-Man variant, and the regular variant covers:

The variant cover by Gilbert Monsanto(left) and the regular cover by Mark Rosario and is inked by his wife, Mary Joy Rosario and colors by Jay Acosta(right).

Luckily, I had a chance to interview him through e-mail. Mark was awesomely epic to have that chance. By the way, If you want more of the inter view and less of the description of the "autobiographical comic book", ladies and gentle-aliens, here is the interview:

1. What inspired you in making "My Wife Is Pregnant"?

"My Wife Is Pregnant" is inspired by real-life experiences. Discovering my wife's pregnancy was a life-changing moment for me and my wife. We were married for only about 3 months at the time. We went through a lot of weird, funny, and memorable experiences together - which we loved sharing with friends over and over. I eventually thought about creating comic strips based on these moments and then I shared them online. I started with a few strips until it snowballed into a 28-page story
2. Who are your inspirations in creating Markus and Ligaya?

My full name is Mark Andrew but most of my close friends call me Markus. Ligaya, on the other hand, was a play on my wife's name - which is Mary Joy. We used these nicknames since they sounded more "kwela" than our real names haha!

3. Since I am an aspiring comic book creator, what kind of printer did you use in printing "My Wife Is Pregnant"?

I'm grateful for my mentor and childhood hero, Gilbert Monsanto, who was kind enough to take my files to YZA Katipunan Branch. The print quality was impressive and the rates are reasonable. I highly recommend you take your comic there, dude!

4. Last but not the least, what are your words to those aspiring comic book creators, writers, and artists like me?
I'm not sure if I'm the best person to answer that since I'm a newbie myself. But I guess if there's one thing I learned about the whole thing, it is to stop aspiring and start creating. Gawa lang ng gawa, like most of my artist friends would tell me. :)

If you want a copy, unfortunately, the "autobiographical comic book" is not available in comic book stores forever unlike other comic books/graphic novels/reprints introduced in Summer Komikon, but you can inquire Mark Rosario in his fanpage about the self published comic book here: My Wife Is Pregnant Comics. He might announce on the page someday if he will have another reprint of the comic book.

But well, for now, ENJOY COMICS!!!!!

An interview with Mr. PFab.

Here, is an old relic that I did way back when I had a wix account. An interview with The Filipino Heroes League creator, Paolo Fabregas. The guy whom I thought(or, really) introduced me to the Filipino Komiks industry again. The first guy who introduced me to the industry was Carlo J. Caparas with his short-lived komiks reprint... stuff. By the way, here is the interview.

1.Why the title of your book is "The Filipino Heroes League"?

I wanted the title of the book to catchy and memorable - something unmistakeable patriotic.

2.Who is your fave. character among your heroes? Why?

I really can't choose. There's something I like about all of them.

3.What inspired you to make the heroes Flashlight, Invisiboy, and Kidlat Kid?

I wanted my core heroes to be fun guys with personality quirks, just like my friends. They're kind of a mix of the different people I've known in my life.

4.Why a novel, not a comic book?

I'm not sure I understand this question? It's a graphic novel - unless you mean why a book and not a series? It isn't a series because a series is just hard to sustain. Also, I wanted it to be kind of like Lord of the Rings - a long story with a small beginning and a big end.

5.If you were a part of the FHL, who would you be and why?

I'd probably be their janitor - just so I could hang out with the guys.