Martes, Oktubre 29, 2013


So, come on, there are terrible casting choices that was actually passed on like: George Clooney being Batman, Ben Affleck being Daredevil(and now, being Batman), and more shit.

So, today in this blog, we will show more terrible(if not weird) casting choices that we're glad it didn't happen.

1. Robin Williams as Rorschach.

Before Jackie Earle Haley was casted as Walter, there was Paddy Considine, and before him, there was Robin Williams. He was casted during the supposedly 1991 adaptation of the comic which, never happened until Zack "ruins what he touches" Snyder came and ruined Watchmen(if not made it darker). Luckily, it never happened because the technology wasn't that advanced yet.

I mean, come on. I know he could do decent portrayals of characters, but Rorschach?!? Nah, you bet he can't be the definitive Rorschach Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons thought of during the creation of Watchmen. He doesn't even have the Rorschach look, which is like a rotten beggar from the streets, but is not actually a beggar.

2. Nicolas Cage as Superman.

Oh, look, it's the guy who ruins all the superhero characters he portrays. And he also wants to steal the Declaration of Independence.

He was cast by Tim "Latex Fetish" Burton in his latex-induced Superman movie "Superman Lives" which was cancelled by the last minute.

How last minute, you say? It was so last minute that posters were actually sent to theaters to actually preview the movie right before its cancellation.

Luckily, it didn't happen because, what do you think will be the reaction of those kids who liked Superman the way he is seeing Superman having a mullet? Shocked, yes. Surprised, yes. But there will be some kids who will ask: "Mommy, is this the right movie?"

Yes, that kind of question.

3. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Batman
Yes, he was cast as batman before he was cast as the very pun-ny Mr. Freeze.

Actually, the guy wasn't actually cast, he was one of those possible casting choices to play Batman in the 1989 movie together with Michael J. Fox.

Yes, Marty McFly as Batman, imagine the chaos. Luckily, it didn't happen as well because BTTF 2 was released the same year as Batman.

But honestly, Schwartze-nigger should have never been cast as both of that, it was just a disaster.

Don't worry, he never cared anyways, as long as he has the money, right Arnie?

So, this is the weirdest casting choices that we have found so far, we'll add more soon.